MHA Humanitarian Penny Drive

Collect Pennies at Your School

School systems within districts will be contacted to consent to their students participation in this activity by bringing in loosed pennies.  This project will be developed into a service-learning project to include the following plan: preparation, action, reflection, celebration and recognition. If you want your school to participate please contact us or email [email protected].

Collect Pennies at Your Business

Individual, businesses, companies and churches can also participate in our Fund Drive by collecting pennies, nickles or dimes. If you would like to have a change container for your home, church or office, please contact us or email [email protected].  We’ll deliver containers to you and pick them up when they are full! Remember, we can take coins any time.

Walk-a Thon for the Intellectually Disabled Youngster in West Africa

Students with and without disabilities, parents, friends, and the community in the range of  the Corporation,  will be encouraged to walk a certain distance and give a contribution for each mile or lap  in support of My Heart’s Appeal, Inc. providing help for the intellectually disabled Youngster in West Africa. If you want your school to participate please contact us or email [email protected].

A dinner will be sponsor as a dialogue with partners to discuss the need to help our target population. Feature at this activity will be recognition of partners and community leaders in support of our programs and community enterprises.Support MHA Benefit Dinner by being a Sponsor contact us or email [email protected].